
Radio silence success stories
Radio silence success stories

This is because reflection can help you process your emotions and move on. Ruminating about a past relationship speeds up emotional recovery. If only there were a way to make the breakup recovery process more manageable. Whether you want to get back together with your ex or move on gracefully, silence after a breakup is the most effective way to do so.

  • How Long Should You Stay Silent After A Breakup?.
  • The Difference Between Radio Silence And No Contact.

    How To Use The Power Of Silence After A Breakup.Why Is Silence After A Breakup Powerful?.If you're trying to move on from an unhealthy relationship, an indefinite period of radio silence may be the only way to protect yourself and aid the healing process.īefore you're a Silent Pro, here's what you'll need to know: So, focus on self-improvement and letting go of negative emotions, especially if you hope to reconcile with your ex.Ī period of silence depends on your situation and your intentions. That's why methods such as no contact and radio silence are so powerful after a breakup.Ī period of silence is best spent wisely. Deep down I really want him back but for now I am silent.Silence encourages healing, reflection and prevents you from doing things you'll regret later on. I got so mad and told him that sorry doesn’t mean a thing and I stoped contacting him. He apologized that he didn’t want to break my heart. He didn’t even block me on social media but I blocked him on Snapchat and deleted his contact number on my list so that I won’t get temptation to text him. I have know ides what’s going through his mind right now and I really don’t care at this time because he broke my heart and I’m trying to get over it by using the no contact rule. After this though, about 5 weeks later he decides to just break up. As a couple we texted and texted and could not get enough of ourselves and we even FaceTimed. But then all of a sudden I changed my mind about the relationship and told him that I am ready to be with him even though we have long distance in between. Afterwards he kept talking about a relationship with me and stuff but I told him that I want to wait until I get to where he is because he lives in Switzerland and I live in Philadelphia. This lasted for 2 months or so or maybe a month and a half. After a while me and him started texting each other and had great conversations. So I met this guy through one of my closest friend who I went to school with. It works! Reply | Reply with quote | Quote HE was stalking my social media as I’m an avid poster! I have the power back.

    radio silence success stories radio silence success stories

    The no contact radio silence confused him completely and he showed up just as I arrived home in my driveway, asking to “talk”. I posted a photo of me holding hands with another guy on Instagram reading “date night” #freshstart and #newbeginings, breaking my silence and about an hour later, boom. So, on the 4th day, I decide to go out with friends. I didn’t hear from him the rest of the day and the next day I sent him a message saying I agreed, wanted him to be happy and goodbye. He even blocked my number! I started listening to pod casts asap and just chilled out.

    radio silence success stories

    I begged and pleaded even though I knew better! I had listened to you before after a previous relationship. He moved out and said for the first time ever he did not love me anymore and said he wanted something different. It also doesn’t help he’s the best mechanic for 100 miles and so he’s arrogant as hell and quiet the know-it-all. He owns a business and he’s working himself to the point his health is suffering. We’ve been fighting about many things lately and him moving in and out. First off, love you! My boyfriend and I have been dating a year and a half.

    Radio silence success stories